For Police Officers And Social Workers

Since its inception in 1985, CCAA has had a commitment to providing new and innovative forensic child interview training for police officers and child protection workers. In keeping with our tradition of offering “cutting edge”, well-researched training, the CCAA has a formal contract with the Centre for Investigative Interviewing at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia to collaboratively offer the first international evidence-based online training for interviewers.”

Trainees progress through the modules at their own pace and receive a certificate on completion. The course has been continually evolving over 10 years and is highly practical in nature. It includes innovative interactive computer exercises, which have been demonstrated in empirical research to promote adherence to best-practice (narrative based) interviewing. Each module also includes films (made by a professional film maker) that illustrate aspects of child development and interviewer skills, quizzes (where instant feedback on performance is provided), practical readings, and mock interview exercises (conducted with a tutor or a virtual child).

New Evidence-based Forensic Interviewing

  • Emphasizing a joint multidisciplinary approach to investigation
  • Building further investigation skills by adapting the investigation to the complexities of abusive families and recent research
  • Structuring training materials to use a competency-based approach to activities that will build on the investigator’s existing skill set
  • Utilizing dynamic, engaging instructors with significant expertise in their field
  • Offering knowledge relevant to work situations with results that can be immediately applied



15 Training Modules

  • Establishing what constitutes ‘best practice’ guidelines
  • Defining the various questions
  • Understanding memory and language development
  • Choosing the most effective open-ended questions
  • Putting the right questions into practice
  • Introducing the topic of concern and eliciting a disclosure
  • Introducing the interview protocol
  • Assessing your progress
  • Repeated events
  • Evidentiary requirements
  • The “whole” story approach to investigating and interviewing
  • Cross-cultural issues
  • Interviewing witnesses with complex communication support needs
  • Note taking
  • Putting it all together

We Redesigned Our Entire Curriculum


  • A Series Of Online Workshops For The Community Professional.


  • Physically having something gives the content a much greater grasp of the child, teen & parents attention.


  • Studies have shown that the use of short video clips allows for more efficient processing and memory recall.